Shopping Venue for G20 Journalists

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The G20 Summit's agenda is tight. The Summit took place from 15-16 November, and the journalists who are covering the event, dwell everyday with their activities on the G20 Summit Media Center located at the Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Nusa Dua, Bali. So, welcome back to your respective places, journalists! Thank you for providing information about the G20 Summit activities, don't forget to share the beauty of Bali, Indonesia. Always be healthy!

For all Angrybow readers, here's the storytelling from G20.. So that the journalists don't feel bored while covering at BICC, the media center committee does not only provide work facilities. But also inviting various MSMEs, so that journalists can 'make eye contact' with a variety of attractive MSME products.

These MSME outlets are located in the Media Lounge lobby, Nusantara Room, 2nd floor, BICC. Various outlets offer products, ranging from body and beauty care such as spa, jewelry, cell phone providers, furniture, and household equipment. One of the products that many journalists and delegates visited was household goods and accessories, which were made of "Balisywood" wood. "I am grateful to have the opportunity to participate in the G20 exhibition," said Wikrama Putra, one of the Balisywood owners.

Wood products

According to Wikrama, from the first day, visitors bought some cutlery and wall hangings. Several journalists from Belgium, Japan and France even said they wanted to visit the manufacturing plant. The price range for these natural wood products starts at IDR 15,000 and up for household appliances, and IDR 6 million for complete furniture.

Choosing goods based on silicon-rich tropical biomass from rice husks and straw, Balisynwood products stem from a sense of concern about pollution to the earth: smoke from forest fires carried out by the community. This synthetic wood technology produces a variety of traditional Balinese wood crafts, such as carved doors, various ornate carvings, and various pop-arts crafts such as animal-shaped sculptures as home displays.


UMKM products that are no less in demand -especially by female visitors, are facial serums derived from seaweed. Since the first day of the G20 Summit, journalists and guest delegates have flocked to this product. According to the store keeper, the seaweed serum, which is priced at IDR 180,000, has the benefit of making facial skin look natural.

This product was made by two close friends, Putu Ayu Cempaka and Made Dwi Kemala Sari, “We have been friends since in elementary school, and fortunately we two have a hobby of dressing up. Finally we agreed to make a product, the different natural products with unique formulas. Serum and body care products from Winka Beauty, have finally been created,” explained Cempaka. 

From a hobby to a business, these two Balinese women becomes more confident, so they dare to register to take part in the curation - as a condition for their products being accepted at the G20 Summit. They are both then very proud. Because apart from passing the curation, they can also participate in the G20 Summit.

One of the MSME outlets -which is also always busy, is a silver accessories stand from Singapadu, Gianyar. The earrings, necklaces and bracelets with elegant designs, were the most purchased by journalists, especially from foreign media. The characteristics of Balinese carvings in its design, can become a memento for them when they return to their respective homelands. 

In the corner of the UMKM gallery, there are two spa mainstays for those who feels tired. They are Piramida Spa and The Calma Spa, which provide massage with the therapists. There is always long queues because visitors only got a 10-minute chance for the massage. The therapists doing massage starting from the back to the feet. The two spas also provide supporting products such as oils and aromatherapy, with various types of aromas such as lavender, jasmine and green tea.

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